Enable most at risk children and young people to achieve their full potential and have access to specialist care and support services

Our plan to address this step:
  • Co-produce a strategic approach to interventions to support more vulnerable children and those with special or complex needs
Tracking progress:
  • Interventions in place
Who is involved:
  • Newham Council including children’s health service 0-19, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
  • Schools
  • Clinical Commissioning Group
  • East London NHS Foundation Trust
  • Voluntary, Community and Faith Sectors

Can you help?

We rely on the support from organisations and individuals to help us deliver our goals. We are on the look out for more partners who are able to support this step. Please email [email protected] or [email protected] to find out more.

Now is the time to act. Together we can make Newham a healthier borough.


Newham changemaker

Esther works as a public health nurse for children and young people – assisting in promoting, maintaining and improving the health outcomes of those in her care and the community around them.

A big part of Esther’s role is to listen to the needs of children and young people and improve their accessibility to professionals within the necessary services.

“Supporting the health and wellbeing of the community is important to me, as I have seen in practice the vital role health plays in educating and empowering individuals. I believe community for children and young people rests on involvement, connection and togetherness.”

– Esther Salimon, Specialist Clinical Lead Nurse


Newham changemaker

Symone is an advocate for young carers between the age of 5 and 18 who care for a member of their family or neighbour who have a mental illness, disability and/or drug/alcohol misuse. Symone’s role helps to provide young carers with universal and bespoke support to minimise the impact being a young carer has on their health and


“If services can work together, we can effectively make a positive change within Newham. To make it healthier we must start by listening to the voices of our community. We do not want our children and young people to suffer in silence.”

– Symone Lemonius, Young Carer's Health Coordinator

Contact us

Get in touch to find out how you can support the borough’s drive to be healthier.

We are on the look out for organisations and people in our community who are thinking differently, challenging the norms, trying new things and looking at ways they can help Newham be a healthier borough.

If you think you can help, we’d love to hear from you, email [email protected]

Follow our hashtag for #whatsyourstep