
Priority 3: Supporting people around the determinants of their health


Step 13

Support every resident around the determinants of their health through Well Newham


Step 14

Support residents to age well and maximise quality of life


Step 15

Create a positive and healthy work environment among our Health and Wellbeing Board employers


Step 13

Support every resident around the determinants of their health through Well Newham


Step 14

Support residents to age well and maximise quality of life


Step 15

Create a positive and healthy work environment among our Health and Wellbeing Board employers


Step 16

Develop health promoting services to maximise the impact of the Well Newham approach


Step 16

Develop health promoting services to maximise the impact of the Well Newham approach

Can you help?

We rely on the support from organisations and individuals, such as Fawn, to help us deliver our goals. We are on the look out for more partners who are able to support this step. Please email Ashlee, [email protected] to find out more.

Now is the time to act. Together we can make Newham a healthier borough.

Contact us

Get in touch to find out how you can support the borough’s drive to be healthier.

We are on the look out for organisations and people in our community who are thinking differently, challenging the norms, trying new things and looking at ways they can help Newham be a healthier borough.

If you think you can help, we’d love to hear from you, email [email protected]

Follow our hashtag for #whatsyourstep